Monday, October 4, 2010

Crazy Poetry

Just so you know, this is the second time I'm writing this.  Don't know what's up with the blogosphere today, but you betcha I will be copying this before I hit post again.

Anyway, I was cleaning up today (no, really-Big lost a library book and it's due tomorrow) and I found these.  I thought I'd save them for prosperity.

Fruit Stand  I

A peach,
a plum-
two different worlds-
meet in the fruit aisle
and get along well.

a stray cucumber
finds itself in the freezer compartment
and is not well received.
The raisins in the meat section
receive much the same treatment
to their chagrin.

Fruit Stand II

Mango and papaya
flit silently
across the aisle
heading for the salad bar.
Oh, silly, silly fruits of the topics!
You'll never find a drink there
and your clandestine rendezvous will be only a disappointment.
No matter how exotic your origins,
you'll never make it past the fish counter.

These poems were written when I was rather sick and feverish.  Kinda shows, doesn't it?   This next one was written after some sleep deprivation/REM cycle interruption.


In reality,
my nephew is named M*
and dirty laundry stays in my house
(if not always the hamper.)

In my dream,
my nephew is called Nicky,
and I have a pile of dirty socks in my sister's back yard.

In reality,
I'm a fairly decent dresser
by which I mean I always wear clothes appropriately-
shirt, shoes, dresses, etc.

In my dream,
undergarments are suitable outfits for winter and walks,
but not,
for some reason,

In reality,
I'm normal
though I do mean that in the loosest sense of the word.
In my dreams,
I have superpowers
but no one else seems to know this.

*Name withheld for privacy.  Poor kid doesn't need the world knowing we share the same gene pool.

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