Saturday, April 23, 2011

On the sixth night of Passover... true love found the stash of chocolate covered matzah. 

I have hidden the rest in a safe and secure location.

(I.E., I ate it.)

Hope he doesn't find the chocolate chips.  I haven't had a real coffee in...about a week.  I'm really thinking of his well being, actually.  I'm totally altruistic that way.

Also, there is a rather elaborate contraption under my dining room table.  I am lead to believe that it is a moth trap.  They are apparently supposed to be attracted by the tower of paper towels that hit the light fixture.

Oh, and there's a preponderance of matzah crumbs on the floor of the family room, which is somewhat odd as I don't recall anyone actually eating matzah in here.  Which is unfortunate, given the fact that the vacuum cleaner was accidentally put away with chumaz appliances.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bleep, and other 'it' words

This week, I discovered potty words are not all bad.  Like fire, they are tools, and can be used for good or evil.

Big is learning to read, and we were doing rhyming words.  We had had an accidental discovery of what happens when you put 'sh' in front of 'it'.  A quick switch to 'at' words lead to a similar...issue, shall we say, only in the past tense.  This lead to an explanation of what the word was, and WHY IT WAS VERY BAD IDEA TO USE IT.  ESPECIALLY IN SCHOOL.  OR IN PUBLIC.  (Pretty pretty please, not in the Starbucks, with a venti on top. )

This ensured, of course, that Big thought this was the funniest word EVER.

So I let the kid have one minute to talk to his grandpa using the word 'poop' and 'toilet' as many times as he could.  Completely distracted him.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Little is not quite 17 months, but thinks she's two.  Her most frequently used word is 'no', of course, and she throws the cutest little temper tantrums, with little legs flailing.  (But don't tell her I said so.)

Husband brought home pretzels, which Little ADORES. 

Little: (Pointing to prezels) Dis?
Me:  Ok, you can have one if you say 'pretzel'.
Little: (pause) tzl?
Me:  Good JOB!

Little finishes pretzel, wants another.
Little: Dis?
Me: Ok, say pretzel.
Little: Dis?
Me: No, say pretzel.  I know you can.
Little: No.  Dis?
Me: No, pretzel.
Little: DIS?
Me:Nope.  If you want a pretzel, you've got to say it.
Little: NO.
Me: Please will work too.
Little: No.
Me:  You're out of luck then.
Little: No.
Me: No, you're not out of luck?  What are you going to do then?
Little: Daddy.

Oh, and Little thinks the proper place to store silly bands is under her chin. She keeps forgetting though, that to keep them there, she's got to look down.  She's always a bit suprized when they don't stay.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ok, right now, I'm trying to write a story, while Little is trying very hard to distract me with a temper tantrum.  Seriously, she's barely over a year, and already she's got the flailing arms, kicking legs, and oh my lord, the screech.  Oh, and did I mention, it was because I refused to give her my wedding ring to play with?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

So, life's been crazy lately.  Seriously, who knew something spilled on the floor could be both sticky and slippery? 

I have lately discovered that the "why" stage of questioning we hit at about age three gets repeated when your own children hit about five. 

Why are there soap bubbles?  Where the freak are they coming from?
Why are there diapers in the dishwasher?
Seriously kid, why's your shirt upside down?  How'd you manage that?

Anyway, my husband needs the computer, the baby is crying, and I know I've been away a while, but I'll be back real soon!

Friday, October 22, 2010

We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialled.

Little just got the cell phone. She was very excitedly hitting buttons, babbling about her daddy when she accidentally hit the off button:

Caw Da-de! caw Da De!...oooops

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to do the dishes.

1. Open dishwasher.
2. Get Little off dishwasher door; move her to other side of room.
3.  Remove silverware.  KNIVES FIRST! KNIVES FIRST!
4. Grab little before she grabs the forks; distract with toys.
5. Remove other flatware.
6.Take Little out of dishwasher again.
7. Take plates away from Little, distract with Tupperware/wooden spoon.
8.Remove plates.
9.Remove diaper Little has-surprisingly neatly-put in dish rack.
10. Get Little off dishwasher door; move her to other side of room.
11. Start unloading top rack.
12. Admire Little's dance moves as she tries to shimmy her way up to the top rack.
13. Put cups away.
14. Get Little out of dishwasher.

Attempt to load dirty dishes in washer; think better of it and leave until bedtime.