Sunday, January 2, 2011

We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Little is not quite 17 months, but thinks she's two.  Her most frequently used word is 'no', of course, and she throws the cutest little temper tantrums, with little legs flailing.  (But don't tell her I said so.)

Husband brought home pretzels, which Little ADORES. 

Little: (Pointing to prezels) Dis?
Me:  Ok, you can have one if you say 'pretzel'.
Little: (pause) tzl?
Me:  Good JOB!

Little finishes pretzel, wants another.
Little: Dis?
Me: Ok, say pretzel.
Little: Dis?
Me: No, say pretzel.  I know you can.
Little: No.  Dis?
Me: No, pretzel.
Little: DIS?
Me:Nope.  If you want a pretzel, you've got to say it.
Little: NO.
Me: Please will work too.
Little: No.
Me:  You're out of luck then.
Little: No.
Me: No, you're not out of luck?  What are you going to do then?
Little: Daddy.

Oh, and Little thinks the proper place to store silly bands is under her chin. She keeps forgetting though, that to keep them there, she's got to look down.  She's always a bit suprized when they don't stay.

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